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Presenting G.I.F.T.4.S. through North Texas Giving Day

How can someone ignore our future generation? How can you? Especially when one day, those same kids will have to take care of us when we are in our 70’s, 80’s, or hopefully 90’s!

After serving as a counselor for over twenty something years, it hit me, Wow! I’m getting old. Father Time waits for no one. Who will take care of me? Our future generation does not seem willing or able to take on the challenge. It slowly dawned on me that the village needed to raise our children has slowly disappeared.

Parents are doing life alone. They are worried about feeding their children; school districts are concerned about state testing, while children are worried about social media. Whatever happened to old Uncle David down the street yelling at you to go straight home before I tell your parents? Or teachers and preachers showing up at the house for dinner to talk about how your children were doing in school and Sunday school?

The village is missing. Now is the time to start Giving Individuals the Fundamental Tools 4 Success (G.I.F.T.4.S.). Dedicated to our future leaders G.I.F.T.4.S. strives to rebuild that good old fashion feeling of being a part of a village that helps raise all the neighborhood children. That is where North Texas Giving Day can step in and provide that helping hand.

G.I.F.T.4.S. is building the next generation of leaders.

Jean Moore is the Executive Director of The Michael Finley Foundation and G.I.F.T.4.S. Giving Individuals the Fundamental Tools 4 Success Foundation. Jean is an elementary counselor in the Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District (CFBISD).

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